Wynthorpe Maintenance Corporation September 2009
Urgent final appeal to community! …see more details following.
The request for 2010 board nominees has resulted in only one nominee vote being received!
Maybe each community member in turn assumed that some other member(s) would have made such nominee(s) selection(s) ...this did not occur!
Because of this situation WMC has moved the date of the final 2009 community meeting from September 23 to Oct 7. This move will allow the community time to be aware of the nominee situation (via this Newsletter) and to take action accordingly. WMC will still monitor mail and e-mail channels for additional nominee submittals but will not be mailing out any such for the community to vote on. Instead all nominee selections received will be presented at the Oct 7 final 2009 community meeting and an ‘in meeting’ vote will be taken at that time.
If the nominee selection does not result in the minimum three (3) board officer positions being filled (i.e. President, Secretary and Treasurer), then the county will be notified of such. Once notified that Wynthorpe does not have a functioning 2010 maintenance board, the county will then begin proceedings to take over as such.
Note: Please be certain the person(s) you nominate wants to be nominated.
Community meetings -
Final 2009 community meeting changed from September 23rd. to Oct 7
Meetings will be held 7:30 PM at the Ommelanden Range Conference Room 1205 River Road (Rt.9) Across from the Kirkwood Soccer Fields.
Deed restrictions -
The community should have received the letter about deed restriction enforcement policy which went into effect early in August. If needed please review such policy on our website… http://wynthorpe.org/deedrestrictions/enforcement.html
Signage for the block watch has been installed at the entrance to the park (Wynthorpe West). The block watch committee is still waiting to receive/add additional signs. It appears that the program is having an effect since the number of reported incidents to WMC and NCCPD have all but dropped to zero. Additionally NCCPD has been very prompt in responding to calls.
Reminder – Unless the situation dictates otherwise, callers to NCCPD should use the non -emergency number (302 573 2800 )and identify that Wynthorpe is in the block watch program…callers can remain anonymous
Schafer BLVD speed bump request -
At the request of some members along the Schafer boulevard area, WMC contacted Deldot about installing speed bumps near the bend on Schafer Blvd near Covington PL. After nearly a year Deldot has indicated it has completed its traffic study to that area. Deldot has indicated that it will soon be polling Wynthorpe members along Schafer to get feedback/agreement on installing the requested speed bumps…For the members of the community who were not aware there were complaints of speeding along/near the bend on the Schafer Blvd.
New Landscaper and snow removal contractors -
ACE landscaping (our former contractor for the above services) has gone out of business. Wynthorpe now has a new landscaper and snow removal contractor. Both contractors have worked with ACE and are familiar with our development. The landscaping services were taken over in July, and by all accounts it was a seamless transition...The community has not reported any issues in this regard.
Landscaper – MTM
Snow removal – Green Blade Irrigation & Turf Care
Community Attorney -
WMC has hired Robert J. Valihura, Jr. esquire to handle matters pertaining to community affairs, i.e. deed restriction enforcement.